Date: 2020/07/12

Speaker: Chris Fowler

Series: 1 Thessalonians

Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8

As Gospel People, Pursue a God-Pleasing Life . . .
I. Be Encouraged and Challenged to Continual Growth! (1-2)
II. Align your Life w/ God’s Revealed Will of Sanctification and Purity! (3-6)
III. Be Motivated by God’s Saving Call, His Active Work and His Solemn Warning! (7-8)

Practical Implications
– Reengage Growth:
– Fight for Your Testimony of Holiness & Purity:
– 1 Thess Challenge:


Sermon and Discussion Guide – 07.12.20

Spend 10-15 Min Catching up on Life:
– What are some highs and lows from this past week? What is something God has shown or taught you?

Read 1 Thess 4:1-8 and Discuss the Following Questions:
1. How does Paul encourage, challenge and motivate them to a holy life? What is sanctification/holiness?
2. What are the prohibitions and layers of sinful sexuality in the passage? Describe positive biblical sexuality. How does our view of God and His law color our views of these?
3. What are some different temptations and reasons for stopping our pursuit of spiritual growth? Which have you wrestled with and how?
4. What evidence is there that our society is hypersexualized? How would Christians you know/around you view sex/sexual sin, etc? (+/-)
5. Does pursuing holiness in general or purity in specific really matter if we are saved by grace? Why/Why not? Some dangers we face in this?
6. How can you respond in a specific timely way to the truths of this passage? Who are you aiming to share with? Pray for opportunities.